
Buyers Guide

  • Time Out Motorcycle Camper Customer Interview

    Jan 31st 2019

    Time Out Motorcycle Camper Customer Interview

    This interview features Bob Lennon, an Open Road customer from Calgary, Alberta. He shares his experiences with the Time Out motorcycle camper he purchased from us. Bob also talks about the impo…

  • Mini Mate Motorcycle Camper Setup Video

    Jan 12th 2019

    Mini Mate Motorcycle Camper Setup Video

    Wow, here's an oldie but goodie. This video is now ten years old. Except for the lights, which are now LED, and a few other small changes in materials, the Mini Mate remains the same great small cam…

  • Bicycle mount for motorcycle camper

    Jan 9th 2019

    Bicycle mount for motorcycle camper

    Some years ago I fumbled my way through building a bicycle mount for a Mini Mate camper so I could bring it along with me. I thought it was pretty trick, and for the most part, it was. But then a cust…