Feb 8th 2019
8 inch tires vs 12 inch tires
Question: I've heard that 8 inch wheels and tires on a trailer are a problem but I'm not sure. I've heard the bearings run hot. What is your opinion on smaller tires and wheels compared to the large…
Feb 8th 2019
Question: I've heard that 8 inch wheels and tires on a trailer are a problem but I'm not sure. I've heard the bearings run hot. What is your opinion on smaller tires and wheels compared to the large…
Feb 5th 2019
There’s a lot of truth in the cliche “less is more,” especially when it comes to small pop up campers. I’ve spoken with a number of folks over the last few years who are selling off their full-size…
Feb 2nd 2019
Beyond the Washington beltway, out in deep, blue-green folds of the Virginias there remain a precious few places that offer shelter against an unceasing bombardment of Facebook status updates, tweet…
Jan 31st 2019
This interview features Bob Lennon, an Open Road customer from Calgary, Alberta. He shares his experiences with the Time Out motorcycle camper he purchased from us. Bob also talks about the impo…
Jan 16th 2019
Having sold motorcycle campers for more than a few years now, I know just about what to expect when I open my e-mail box on any given day during the year. When the calendar turns September I usually…
Jan 14th 2019
This shows you how a rubber torsion suspension works on a small motorcycle camper. It's pretty effective; the camera was mounted to the underside of the camper, and it's pretty steady. Top road spee…