
The Essential Guide to Motorcycle Travel - Signed!

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About The Essential Guide to Motorcycle Travel

There’s more to motorcycling than simply hitting the road. The Essential Guide to Motorcycle Travel gives the lowdown on proper planning, rider preparation, and outfitting the bike.

Motorcyclists in record numbers are heading out on ambitious trips across America and around the world. The Essential Guide to Motorcycle Travel offers essential advice to fully prepare them for traveling long distances over extended periods. Whether you are getting ready for a weekend trip beyond your home turf, or for a transcontinental odyssey lasting several years, Coyner's book details the fundamentals for riding in comfort, safety, and convenience.

Coyner lays out the steps for planning a worry-free, fun trip, one that starts with the rider physically and mentally prepared. On the road, having good riding gear can make a dramatic difference in comfort and safety as the weather changes from dry to wet, and from hot to cold. Coyner describes the important aspects of personal preparation and describes the major kinds of riding gear and how they work to control body temperature and moisture.

Coyner shows you step-by-step how electrical modifications can be made, and provides specific sections on high-performance lighting and conspicuity, GPS and other cockpit instruments, entertainment and communication devices, cameras and camcorders, ergonomic enhancements, suspension improvements, luggage and storage additions, and trailers. Over 250 full-color photographs illustrate riding gear, accessories, and modifications that will make any motorcycle adventure the trip of a lifetime.


What Others Are Saying About The Essential Guide to Motorcycle Travel

This truly is an essential guide to long distance motorcycle touring. I am an 80 year old rider and have found that in this book, everything needed for a successful trip has been included.
Here you will find help in choosing proper clothing, equipment, accessories and tips on where to go, where to stay and how to make your plan. Mr. Coyner has gone to great lengths to produce a guide for every biker, those who have the wherewithal to travel in this country and abroad. He has also asked other professionals to offer assistance in their field of expertise.
A thoughtful guide written in layman's language that is helpful for the beginner as well as the seasoned long distance motorcycle tourist. I will highly recommend this book to my friends and fellow riders. - V. Lonquist

Even though I've biked a lot, I found the information useful and comprehensive. There are sections you can skip over but most of it should be read and thoroughly digested. I highly recommend it for beginners and experienced riders alike. There are many nuggets of valuable info. The writer relies on common sense to guide us through his explanations and reasons. Five stars. - Jerry Scott

I was only a few pages into this book when I got some post-it notes to flag pages fro future reference. There is a lot of useful information about route planning, equipment, smartphone apps, web resources, etc. that I would not have thought to look for. Well worth the price if you have any interest in traveling by motorcycle. - Mathemusician